Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Best is Yet to Come

We've passed our second Mid-Quarter mark. Since I'm headed right for the holiday rush I'd like to take a step back and look at what we have accomplished in 2014. This year the second graders have collaborated in Google Docs to build background knowledge before reading a story. They created an online KWL chart too. They made an ebook for Language Arts. The class has learned how to navigate audiobooks on the Kindle and Evernote to record themselves reading. During calendar time they have picked up the skills of rotating and resizing an image. They can use qr codes to hear directions and play games. But the best skill they have honed is determination. They've waited with me when Notebook crashes or the building's internet goes down. They've toughed it out and they know the Smartboard isn't as smart as they are. Technology is an awesome tool but it is just that, a tool. It is not a substitute for pedagogy and planning.


  1. Meagan-

    Whoa! It sounds like your students have learned so many useful technology skills this semester...very cool! I like how you said, "Technology is an awesome tool but it is just that, a tool. It is not a substitute for pedagogy and planning." I could not agree more with that statement, it does not take the place of teachers, that is for certain. I believe if technology ever takes the driver seat in the classroom over a teacher, we will have truly failed the students. Technology has the power to reach and help so many students with a variety of learning styles, but it does not have the power to truly replace the power of human presence. We need great educators like yourself to truly reach the students! -Amy Linville

  2. It’s a drag people have to wait on technology; it totally reverses the way it should serve people. Still, I’m glad you have used so many applications in your classroom. The audio recording of the kids reading sound very interesting. “Do I really sound like that?!?!” :0) Learning determination and stick-to-it-iveness are lessons that will serve them all their lives.
